If you owe tax or other debt to the Minnesota Department of Revenue and cannot pay in full, you may request to make installment payments. Once you agree to a payment agreement , we add a $50 non-refundable fee to your balance. (See Minnesota Statute 270C.52). Your payments will apply to your debt according to Minnesota Statute 270C.51.
Payment Agreements [+] If you owe tax or other debt to the Minnesota Department of Revenue and cannot pay in full, you may request to make installment payments. For more information, see Payment Agreements .
Use the e-Services Payment System Call 1-800-570-3329, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Note: Some tax software lets you make or schedule payments when you file. To cancel a payment made through tax software, you must contact us. Call 651-556-3000 or 1-800-657-3666 (toll-free) at least three business days before the scheduled payment date.
Download the 2020 Revenue Recapture Service Level Agreement , then sign and return it to us. Email: Revenue.Recapture@ state .mn. us Fax: 651-556-5116, ATTN: Revenue Recapture, Withholding Tax Deposit/ Payment . Make check payable to Minnesota Revenue and mail to: Minnesota Revenue, P.O. Box 64439, St. Paul, MN 55164-0439. Use this voucher for check payments only. File your return by the due date at www .revenue. state .mn. us or by phone at 1-800-570-3329. 0040. Withholding Tax Deposit/ Payment MW5. MW5. Period end date, Pay State Tax, Payment Agreements | Minnesota Department of Revenue, Payment Agreements | Minnesota Department of Revenue, Denying a payment agreement The Minnesota Department of Revenue may deny your request for a payment agreement if you do not provide the information we need to review it. We will send a letter explaining why we denied your request, with information on your right to a reconsideration by the Taxpayer Rights Advocate.
This service allows you to pay your State of Minnesota taxes electronically and is a service of Value Payment Systems in agreement with the State of Minnesota. All payments are processed immediately and the payment date is equal to the time you complete your transaction. Your Convenience Fee will be based on the payment type you select.
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Activity: Payment and Return Processing . www .revenue. state .mn. us . AT A GLANCE . In 2019, Payment and Return Processing: Processed 2.9 million individual income tax returns Sent over 2 million individual income tax refunds to Minnesotans Processed $21.8 billion dollars in tax payments Opened and sorted 2.5 million pieces of mail, State agencies must establish service level agreements and maintain a relationship with the Minnesota Department of Revenue (DOR). Once a debt becomes 121 days past due, it must be referred to DOR. State agencies must notify the debtor of the intent to refer the account for collection in writing at least 20 days before referral.