Underlying Sullivans emphasis on interpersonal relationships is the fundamental concept of dynamism. Similar to the physical universe, our psychological environment involves ongoing transfers of energy (in the psychological sense) between ourselves and the people we interact with, and this is a dynamic back-and-forth system (i.e.
a relationship).
3/24/2015 · Self-system (also referred to as self-dynamism) was a personality concept created by Harry S. Sullivan that he believed served to minimize the tension of anxiety. The self-system was defined as a unique collection of experiences that was used to describe one’s own self.
Dynamism is the smallest unit that can be employed in the study of the individual. It is defined as the relatively enduring pattern of energy transformations, which recurrently characterize the organism in its, 5/23/2018 · Dynamisms are complex and more or less stable behavior patterns which have the function of satisfying a certain basic need or in Sullivan s words, of transforming the physical energy of the organism. There are two types of dynamism : those that relate to specific parts of the body and those associated with experiences of fear and anxiety.
Dynamism is used by Sullivan to refer to a typical pattern of behavior. It may relate to either to specific zones of the body or to tensions and how it interacts with the environment. Most dynamisms serve the purpose of satisfying the basic needs of the organisms. There are different types of dynamisms: Malevolence, Intimacy, Lust and Self-System.
Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory Flashcards | Quizlet, PSY 11 Theories of Personality: Harry Stack Sullivan, Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory Flashcards | Quizlet, PSY 11 Theories of Personality: Harry Stack Sullivan, Intimacy for Sullivan is a profoundly positive dynamism . potentially. It occurs when the well-being of another person is as. important to an individual as his own well-being. It …
Dynamism ; pola perilaku melibatkan reseptoryang menetap dan berulang terjadi yang menjadi ciri khusus seseorang (ex; makan melibatkan otot mulut dan leher) Personification; gambaran ?diri atau orang lain? yang dibangun berdasar pengalaman yang menimbulkan kepuasan atau kecemasan (ex; good/bad mother), Sullivan used the term dynamism to refer to a typical pattern of behavior. Dynamisms may relate either to specific zones of the body or to tensions. A. Malevolence The disjunctive dynamism of evil and hatred is called malevolence, defined by Sullivan as a feeling of living among one’s enemies.
Menurut Harry Stack Sullivan , kepribadian adalah pola yang relatif menetap dari situasi-situasi antar pribadi yang berulang, yang menjadi ciri kehidupan manusia. Sullivan tidak menyangkal pentingnya hereditas dan pematangan dalam membentuk dan membangun kepribadian, namun ia berpendapat bahwa apa yang khas manusiawi adalah interaksi sosial.
10/12/2004 · Herbert Harry Stack Sullivan was an American Neo-Freudian psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who held that personality can never be isolated from the complex interpersonal relationships in which person lives and that he field of psychiatry is the field of interpersonal relations under any and all circumstances in which relations exist. Having studied therapists Sigmund Freud,